7 Actions Businesses Can Take Now as the Economy Reopens

New Playbook for Reopening the Economy – 7 Actions Businesses Can Take Now

In recent months NetSuite interviewed hundreds of organizations to deduce how industry-leaders are handling today’s challenges. NetSuite compiled the results in a playbook, linked to below, that includes seven action items organizations can take today to be decisive and proactive.

Checklists for the following seven action items are included in the playbook:

  1. Business Model Assessment
  2. Financial Check
  3. Health/Safety/Legal
  4. Scenario Planning
  5. Customer Retention
  6. Packaging/Pricing/Payments
  7. Organization Alignment


The PDF download also includes six short case studies that examine how organizations in manufacturing, professional services, distribution, not-for-profit, and healthcare are navigating these uncertain times.

Download the Playbook – 7 Action Items Businesses Need to Take Now

Read time: 7 min