Automate and Simplify JDE Tasks | Quest Innovation Week

What’s New with Orchestrator and UX One | Quest Innovation Week

Speaker: Bryan Rose
Friday, April 24 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET

JD Edwards depth of functionality in unmatched, but at times this requires end users to click through multiple screens/actions to complete a task. In this session, you will learn how to automate and simplify these transactions utilizing UX one tools such as Orchestrator, Notifications and other UX One Components. We will also be talking about some of the new features Orchestrator released in the most current tools release.  Some of these features include:

  • Orchestrator debugger
  • Calling orchestrations and notifications without connectors
  • Directly hitting business functions with orchestrator

We invite you to join us for the JD Edwards Automation Session formerly taking place at Oracle Collaborate 2020, now to be held online during Quest Innovation Week, where we’ll share how to automate and simplify transactions utilizing UX One tools.

With a FREE week of compelling keynote speakers, Oracle JD Edwards roadmap updates, strategic insights and customer case studies – you don’t want to miss the Quest Forum Digital Event kick-off with Innovation Week. Join the conversation like you would at Collaborate, but virtually and select from 50+ sessions.

Meet the Presenter

Bryan Rose, Terillium
Bryan Rose, Manager, JD Edwards Practice at Terillium

Bryan is a JD Edwards Consultant at Terillium who specializes in both Manufacturing & Distribution modules. He has been involved in numerous successful implementations and upgrades across a wide range of industries. Additionally, he is Product Certified in all JD Edwards Manufacturing applications. Bryan is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University with a Master’s of Science in Business Informatics.


jd edwards automation