JD Edwards Distribution Deep Dive Workshop | COLLABORATE19

Leverage The Power of JD Edwards Distribution Functionality | COLLABORATE19 Workshop

Bernadette Durham, Terillium
Sherry Paul, RF-SMART

Join us for our JD Edwards Distribution Deep Dive Workshop during COLLABORATE 19. Broken up into four 50 minute sessions, we’re focusing on popular JD Edwards distribution topics that most JD Edwards World and EnterpriseOne users want to learn more about.

Missed COLLABORATE19? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

Advanced Pricing – Making Advanced Pricing work as more than a basic pricing tool

Advanced Pricing provides us with a tool that’s useful for much more than straightforward discounts and multipliers in pricing, and in this session we’ll look at some “thinking outside the box” sales order solutions that are possible with this module.  At the end of this session you’ll see Advanced Pricing as an innovative option to consider not just for challenging sales pricing scenarios, but also when you need a mechanism to control the sales process.

  • Using adjustments as a more flexible way to control Item Restrictions – Mandatory Adjustments and Mutually Exclusive Adjustments
  • Detached adjustments – why they’re so useful for managing pricing allowances, and how they can be used to keep your AR clean when using custom invoicing solutions
  • Using weight-based free good adjustments or order level adjustments as a “poor man’s transportation” solution to add freight charges to sales orders
  • Managing minimum and maximum purchase quantity requirements with Advanced Pricing – use of the “Skip To” feature and Volume Adjustments

Transportation ‘Lite’ – The business benefits of a bare bones Transportation Management implementation

Businesses functioned for years in JD Edwards without the Transportation Management module, but the introduction of this module simplified many aspects of the Pick/Pack/Ship process, helped to streamline and automate processes, and frequently allowed enhancements to be eliminated. This session will highlight some of the significant benefits that almost anyone doing Distribution can leverage, even with the most basic configuration.

  • Shipment planning – ability to manage shipments across multiple sales orders, shipment consolidation and re-planning
  • Delivery Documents – simplifying generation of the correct shipping documents
  • Freight Charge entry – update of freight charges to orders and generation of A/P vouchers
  • Shipment Reference Numbers

Leveraging RF Smart to support shipping and warehouse operations

In this session you will gain exposure to the RF-SMART Warehouse Management Lite solution, and see that this ‘WMS Lite’ solution isn’t light on functionality that can simplify, expedite and streamline warehouse management, shipping and receiving.

  • WMS functionality overview
  • Leveraging Pick Manager to improve warehouse picking efficiency
  • Cartonization – if the prospect of implementing a carton management solution in JDE makes you uncomfortable, this one is for you
  • Simplifying transfer orders

Effective Setup and Management of Master Data

It doesn’t matter what type of business or industry you’re in, you’re managing master data, and you’ve probably got multiple people involved in setting up and maintaining it. This session will look at how we can leverage UX One tools to manage the process for setting up key master data, make sure that our setup is complete, and simplify the approach to securing users to access only the data they’re authorized to change.

  • Forms Personalization – securing data and simplifying data management for end users
  • Watch List Queries – managing the process flow and alerting users when they need to take action
  • Validating that the record is complete