How JD Edwards UX One and Orchestrations Can Ease the Pain of Exceptions
In the perfect world, manufacturing to fill sales orders is straightforward – data is perfect, customers don’t change orders, machines don’t break down, and suppliers don’t deliver late. The reality of most businesses is that exceptions aren’t as uncommon as we’d like, and managing those exceptions is manual and time-consuming.
During this session we’ll cover:
- Review the criticality of dates on sales orders and work orders, and how to configure to minimize exceptions
- Demonstrate how we can use UX One tools to identify exceptions early
- Show some practical examples of how Orchestrations can be used to drive Alerts, notify the right people of exceptions, and improve efficiency of managing exceptions
Gain access to our JD Edwards session during Quest Experience Week. This 60 minute session will focus on how we can leverage UX One tools and Orchestrations to improve the user experience and automate alerts when exceptions happen.
Meet the Presenters

Bryan Rose
Director of Digital Transformation at Terillium
Bryan is the Director of Digital Transformation at Terillium. He has been involved in numerous successful implementations and upgrades across a wide range of industries. Additionally, he is Product Certified in all JD Edwards Manufacturing applications. Bryan is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University with a Master of Science in Business Informatics.

Bernadette Durham
Solution Architect / SIG Lead at Terillium, Inc.
Bernie is a Solution Architect with 20+ years of JD Edwards implementation experience in both industry and consulting roles. She is head of the Distribution team for Terillium, Inc., and enjoy sharing JDE tidbits with just about anyone.
About Terillium

As one of the largest, award-winning JD Edwards partners in the country, our commitment to the JDE community runs deep.
- Oracle Platinum Partner and recipient of 16 Oracle excellence awards
- Average of 19 years of JDE experience among our consultants
- Consulted on over 700 ERP projects
- 100% of clients who responded to a recent survey said they recommend our team (thank you!)